The Importance of Gathering after a Loss

If there is any doubt in your mind about the importance of having a special moment for your loved one, please consider the following ideas.

The Importance of Community and Grief

There are so many occasions in life where we should seek out the comfort and community of the ones around us. Gathering is essential for the relief and comfort it provides after the loss of a friend or family member.

If there is any doubt in your mind about the importance of having a special moment for your loved one, please consider the following ideas.

Why Gathering is So Important

  • A marked occasion allows for a concrete goodbye.

The grieving process looks different for everyone, but it’s an inevitable part of life. It can be very difficult to begin working through this process without a concrete gathering to mark the passing of our loved one. without the tangible act of saying goodbye, you can allow yourself to simply pretend that the person you have lost hasn’t come around for a while.

A gathering creates a healthy path for mourning, then remembering, those who have passed on. 

  • The act of planning and holding a gathering is an important part of honoring your loved one.

It may be tempting to isolate yourself to recover from your grief. But If the person that you love has made an impact on your life and the community that they are leaving, they deserve to be remembered and honored for it.

Even though it might feel like it would be stressful to plan a gathering at this time, a high-quality funeral home and memorial service planner will do everything they can to help. 

They will take the focus off of the planning and put it back onto your friend or family member, staying focused on your family’s needs and taking into account all of the details that might have been overlooked.

  • Gathering helps with advancement through the grieving process, in a community setting

An event such as a memorial or wake allows for all of those who loved the person in question to work through their feelings in the same space. 

Together, loved ones can laugh, cry, and share stories of special moments and memories that might not have been told otherwise to everyone there. 

  • A gathering reinforces the bonds you have with those who shared your love for the person who passed.

It’s equally important to reinforce the bonds that family and friends have with each other, so that everyone can be there for one another during the process of grieving in the following months.

If you or a loved one needs somebody to talk to about missing the person who has passed, who better than someone who is most likely feeling the same way as you? There is a level of understanding and empathy between two individuals who have lost the same person that is difficult for anyone else to relate to.

Gathering, Mourning, and Celebrating Together

At Montgomery & Steward, we work with you to ensure that the memorial service you hold for your loved one honors both the people present and the people who have passed. We know the importance of family and community at times like these, and we also know that planning and organizing is often the last thing on your mind.

You can rely on us to guarantee that your needs are met and that you say goodbye in exactly the way that your loved one would want and appreciate.