A Survivor of Suicide is a Family Member or Friend of a Person who Died by Suicide

Losing someone to suicide is shocking, painful and unexpected. Part of being a survivor is to aim to adjust to life without your loved one.

Losing someone to suicide is shocking, painful and unexpected. Part of being a survivor is to aim to adjust to life without your loved one. Grief work is often complex, intense and long term. There is healing and survivors will begin to enjoy life once again.

10 Ways to Honor Your Loved Ones:

1. Plant a tree or garden in their memory either at your home or in a park.

2. Some parks have a memorial program where you can plant a tree or bench with a plaque in their name.

3. Journal about your loved one.Ask your loved one’s relatives, friends, or co-workers to contribute their favorite memories or photos, and use them to make a scrapbook or memory box. Memories of your loved ones can be written down as thoughts, song lyrics, or through a poem.

4. Cook your loved one’s favorite meal, participate in activities they liked, listen to music they enjoyed, or read a book that reminds you of them.

5. Become involved in a support group or cause.

6.You can also further their memory and create awareness by establishing a scholarship in their name.

7. Light a candle in honor of your loved one.

8. Turn digital photos into a photo album on programs such as Shutterfly or Snapfish.

9. Watch your loved one’s favorite movie with their favorite snack. Invite others that were a part of his/her life.

10. Have a balloon release with close family members.